The concept of representation

 The Concept of Representation 

What is Representation? Representation is how media texts present and deal with gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. These media texts have the power to shape an audiences knowledge, understanding and perspectives towards these important topics. Representation refers to the idea that everything we see or hear in the media has been constructed, the media don't just present reality they re-present it.

How are representations constructed? Representations are constructed through the process of selection, omission and construction. Any representation is a mixture of: The thing itself, the opinions of the characters doing the representation, the reaction of the individual to the representation and the context of the society in which the representation is taking place.

Why do they matter? The media industry has an immense amount of power in todays society and is able to shape the general populations ideas- (you could argue this is a form of brainwashing). Different forms of media such as television, films, digital and social media can influence how we see others, the world around us and ourselves. Accurate and authentic representations can have a positive beneficial effect on society and can help break down barriers. They can also help us think of new ideas and create powerful role models who serve a purpose in society. Representations can be a source of inspiration. 



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