My favourite movie opening and why- Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone

 Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone- opening scene

Firstly I started of by recapping my knowledge of the scene by watching the YouTube video linked below-

Scene Analysis 

'Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone' is a fantasy film which allows the audience to escape the problems of today and immerse themselves in the unreal (in other words it is escapism). Firstly in the scene we are introduced almost immediately to the character of Professor Dumbledore who plays a significant role in the narrative of the movie and entire series. By introducing his character instantaneously we are shown his importance from the start. As well as being introduced to Dumbledore we are also shown a cat, this for me is very symbolic as cats are associated to Witches and Magic which is the main narrative/theme of the series. The cat then shape shifts into another leading protagonist (Professor McGonagall), by doing this Magic is being introduced to the film to set the tone for the audience for the rest of the film. 

We are then of-course introduced to the Central Protagonist Harry Potter where we find out that for some reason or another he has to be left at his 'Muggle' relative's home for his own Perosnal protection. By not explaining why this has to happen, straight away this makes me want to watch on and find out more. The last shot of the opening scene before the titles is a close up Zooming shot of Harry's scar, which we later find out plays a significant role in this series, to me that close up is very effective as your left pondering, How did he get that?, Why is it glowing?, Who or what would do such a thing to a baby?

Hagrid arrives on a flying motorcycle holding baby Harry, this is effective as it shows they have a close relationship from the very beginning, this relationship blossoms throughout the movies. Hagrid is emotional when saying his goodbyes to Harry and Dumbledore reassures him by stating, "It's not really a goodbye after all" - this tells the audience that they will be reunited and that the narrative of the story may have something to do with this. 

Mise En Scene

One of the first things you notice in this scene is the music, the music is very fitting to the genre of the play and gives a magical feel which sets the tone and mood. Although it also gives an eery sensation which suits the environment and situation they are all in. As well as music we also notice the costume, both Dumbledore and McGonagall are wearing pointy hats and cloaks, this is notorious for Witches and Wizards and straight away tells us that they aren't just ordinary people, they are magic. 

Props pay a significant role in the opening, some that stood out to me include: the letter addressed to Privet Drive which is mentioned throughout the movies, the cat, the flying motorcycle and perhaps the most important prop/makeup is Harrys Scar. 

The location in this scene is interesting as it contrasts and collides the two worlds of magic and non magic.The 'muggle' (human) world is represented as grey, dull and exceptionally ordinary.This setting is something that most people watching have seen something similar too and can perhaps relate to on a personal level enabling the audience to easily to put themselves in the shoes of the characters and be entirely immersed by the film, this is where lighting plays a key role.

The characters are made to look out of place and act as if they are very precautious. The fact that it's night adds to the cold atmosphere and tells us that they don't want to be seen and that this is secret. 
One element that is utilised to help create the atmosphere and mood is lighting. The cinematographer who has an understanding of what the director is trying to show sets the mood in this movie clip.
If we focus on the lighting and cinematography Dumbledore is seen zapping the light out of street lamps, this exaggerates the fact that something very secretive and of severe importance is occurring. To me the lighting is significantly important as a little bit of lightness in dark times is pretty much Harry Potter summed up. 

Why is it my favourite?

Personally this is my favourite movie opening scene as I enjoy the fantasy genre and there is so much magic in this film from the very beginning. I also like how we are immediately introduced to a handful of the main characters including Harry as we can watch them progress, this almost builds a relationship between the audience (me) and the characters as I've followed they're story from the beginning. I also enjoy it as its quite a calm scene and very touching.


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